Although word Yoga is one of the oldest words which is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” (pronoun “yug”) meaning “to join” or “to unite”. Our books are the biggest example that Yoga exists for thousands of years. Modern generation adopted just the most visible part of Yoga that is the Asanas for their physical fitness and Mental balance. I am never in favour to change the classical way of teaching yoga to the modern generation just for the self-benefit like other modern yogis but I advice the modern generation to adopt the classical way of learning Yoga not only for their physical, mental, spiritual or social benefits but also to save the heritage intellectual property of our powerful and self-realized sages.
As you know that I have several students of Yoga not only from Eastern countries but also from the western countries as well. Because of the cultural and geographical differences, the living style and thinking process of the modern generation is totally different among all countries. Western generation is more focused towards the material things and Indian continent’s modern generation is also very much attracted towards the western culture. But when the western people fail to meet the highest aim (happiness & peace) of a person with the latest material things in a lavish lifestyle they take a U-turn towards Yoga. By just performing some yoga Asanas(postures) and Pranayama(Breathing Exercise) they feel more relaxed. So we can say that the current generation is the most facilitated generation we ever had but we can’t say that the current generation is the happiest generation. Many youths from the west and India say that Yoga is the way to renounce the worldly & sensual pleasure but I always ask them that in this fast and stressful world are really enjoying the worldly and sensual objects? And the answer is always no. This is the situation of every one of us but we are not ready to accept it. I tell them that if you really want to enjoy the pleasure of the world than also you need a pure mind and a healthy body. Yes, the highest aim of Yoga is the self-realization but the good side effects of yoga are also a healthy body, balanced mind and good character. So I never want to modify the Yoga for the modern generation but I would like to advise them to adopt the classical form of Yoga to live a happy and peaceful life.
The challenge to deal with the mind is not only the problem of the modern generation but this is the challenge even before the beginning of civilization. This is the reason that very old holy book Gita is still known as the best book to deal with the challenges set by the rascal mind even this book is more than 5000 years old. Now the question arises in front of us that how it can be possible to solve the queries of the mind with the help of thousands of years old books like Gita or Bible etc. even in those days we were not developed like now and we had different challenges in front of us. I agree that we are the most developed civilised generation now but even after all these facilities our mind is not satisfied and always wondering restless to have more. Our scripture says that anger and greed are the most common ingredients to make our mind stressful. The mother of anger and greed is Desire. If the desire is fulfilled it comes with more greed and wants even more and if it not fulfilled it comes as anger. So these books and Yoga helps to convert the desires into needs. God has already given us whatever we need as per our Karmas and individual capacities but because of the unwanted desires and dealing with unwanted thoughts we are always unable to deal with the mind. Modern generation and old generation facing the same problems from centuries and centuries. Yoga is the only solution to solve the problems.
Yoga for modern generation is just doing the physical activities but in reality Yoga is far beyond it and Aasnas is just a small part of Yoga. In Astang Yog there are eight limbs of Yoga i.e. Yam, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana & Samadhi. For the modern generation, I would advise performing some selected asanas & pranayama as per advise of good yoga teacher and Dhayana(Meditation) can play a very great role do deal with the daily problems of the mind. Beyond Power Yoga and Yogi Ajay Rana is dedivated to share the knowlege of yoga to modern gentration. You are always welcome to share your feedback with us and questions are most weilcome to solve your queires guide you on the sacred path of Yoga.